Infants enjoying daycare winter activities

13 Daycare Winter Activities for Infants

As the cooler days approach, our preschool in Lake Worth is excited about the incredible adventures awaiting us this winter! We’ve assembled a unique guide of fantastic activities for our little ones. This magical season brings new sounds, cozy moments, and fun things to explore.

Even without snow, winter in Florida still brings us extraordinary things to discover—cool breezes, different textures, and the warmth of cozy blankets. Our guide is like a treasure map for teachers and parents, showing us all the fantastic things we can do together! 

Let’s jump into the winter spirit and create unforgettable moments that help us learn, grow, and have a blast at our sunny preschool.

Safety Measures

First of all, ensuring our infants’ safety and comfort during this time is a top priority. To help navigate the winter months smoothly, here are some essential safety tips to keep our infants cozy and secure while they play and learn.

  1. Layer Up Thoughtfully: Dress infants in snug yet comfortable layers to keep them cozy indoors and adequately bundled for outdoor adventures. Use soft, breathable fabrics that allow freedom of movement.
  2. Indoor Coziness: Maintain a warm and inviting indoor space by regulating temperatures. Regularly sanitize toys and surfaces to protect our little ones from winter-related germs.
  3. Healthy Habits: Encourage regular handwashing for infants and caregivers to keep winter bugs at bay. Teach simple cough etiquette to limit the spread of illnesses.
  4. Outdoor Readiness: When stepping outside, outfit infants in weather-appropriate attire—think hats, mittens, and jackets suitable for the milder Florida weather. Ensure they’re comfy and supervise their play for a safe and enjoyable time.

Exploring Sensory Experiences for Winter Fun

Winter brings a plethora of sensory delights, offering unique opportunities for our infants to explore the world around them. At our preschool, we’ve curated engaging sensory activities designed to captivate their senses and spark their curiosity.

Exploring Textures with Winter-Theme Materials

Dive into a world of textures! Through supervised play, infants can explore different winter-themed materials like soft fabrics resembling snow, fluffy cotton balls, smooth ice packs, or even textured sensory toys. Encouraging touch and exploration helps them understand various tactile sensations unique to the winter season.

Creating a Winter Wonderland with Sensory Bins

Immerse infants in a delightful winter wonderland! Our sensory bins are filled with materials that evoke the feeling of winter, such as fake snow, shimmering sequins, pinecones, and small winter-themed toys. These bins invite infants to engage in hands-on exploration, stimulating their senses of touch, sight, and smell.

Auditory Adventures: Embracing the Sounds of Winter

Listen closely to the symphony of winter! From the gentle rustling of leaves to the crisp crunching of dried leaves or even tinkling wind chimes, we introduce infants to various winter sounds. These auditory adventures enhance their senses, fostering an appreciation for the unique sounds accompanying the season.

Introducing the Flavors of Winter with Taste-Safe Activities

Explore the flavors of winter safely and enjoyably! Infants can engage in taste-safe activities involving winter-themed foods such as mashed sweet potatoes, applesauce, or other age-appropriate and safe tastes. These activities aim to introduce new flavors and encourage sensory exploration through bite.

These sensory experiences are designed to provide our infants with enriching opportunities to explore and understand the world around them during the winter season at our preschool.

Creative Play

Winter at our preschool is a canvas for creativity and imaginative play. Engaging infants in various creative activities sparks their curiosity and nurtures their development. 

Here are some delightful and hands-on ideas tailored to inspire their creativity during this beautiful season.

Winter-Themed Art and Craft

Embrace the magic of winter through art! Offer infants a range of materials to craft snowflakes, winter landscapes, or charming seasonal animals. Let them explore finger painting using cool hues or encourage textured creations of snowy scenes. 

This artistic expression fosters fine motor skills and imaginative thinking, allowing each child to showcase their unique creativity.

  • Snowflake craft: Give infants white paper, glue, and glitter to create unique snowflakes. They can fold and cut pieces to form snowflake shapes, then decorate them with glitter for a sparkling finish. This activity encourages the development of fine motor skills and allows each child to create their personalized snowflake masterpiece.
  • Winter landscape collage: Offer infants a selection of materials such as blue paper, cotton balls, and small tree cut-outs. Let them create winter landscapes by gluing cotton balls for snow and attaching tree cut-outs on blue paper for a snowy scene. This textured collage inspires imaginative thinking and sensory exploration.
  • Seasonal animal finger Painting: Set up finger painting stations with cool-hued paints. Encourage infants to dip their fingers in the paint and create winter-themed animals like penguins or polar bears on paper. This activity fosters fine motor skills and allows them to express their creativity through art.

DIY Winter Sensory Bins

Creating captivating sensory bins that capture the essence of winter is a beautiful way to engage infants in hands-on exploration. Follow these steps to construct a winter-themed sensory bin:

Materials Needed:

  • Plastic or shallow bins with lids
  • Safe and diverse materials:
    • Soft cotton balls
    • Sparkling glitter
    • Toy snowflakes
    • Tiny winter figurines (animals, trees, etc.)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Select a bin: Choose a plastic or shallow bin suitable for infants’ exploration. Ensure it has a lid to cover the contents when not in use.
  2. Gather Winter materials: Collect various safe and diverse materials that evoke the feeling of winter. Include soft cotton balls for a snowy texture, sparkling glitter for a glistening effect, toy snowflakes to represent winter elements, and tiny winter-themed figurines to enhance the sensory experience.
  3. Layer the materials: Begin by layering the bin’s base with a soft material such as cotton balls to create a snowy foundation. Add a sprinkle of sparkling glitter to mimic glistening snow.
  4. Add Winter elements: Place toy snowflakes strategically within the bin, ensuring they’re visible and accessible for infants to explore. Introduce tiny winter figurines like animals or trees, distributing them evenly to encourage discovery and imaginative play.
  5. Mix and arrange: Gently mix the materials within the bin to ensure an even distribution of textures and elements. Arrange them visually appealingly, considering colors and textures to stimulate infants’ senses.
  6. Invite exploration: Once the sensory bin is prepared, place it in an area where infants can safely explore. Supervise as they engage with the different textures and elements, encouraging them to touch, feel, and manipulate the materials.
  7. Encourage play and exploration: Encourage infants to explore the sensory bin at their own pace. Watch as they engage their senses, fostering cognitive development, creativity, and imaginative play through tactile exploration.
  8. Storage and maintenance: Store the sensory bin with its lid securely closed when not in use to keep the materials clean and ready for the next exploration session.

Imaginative Play Ideas

Transform our play areas into enchanting winter wonderlands! Infants are invited to immerse themselves in imaginative storytelling and role-playing adventures, igniting their imagination and enhancing social and emotional development.

  1. Snowy Forest Adventure: Transform a play area into a snowy forest using soft blankets draped over furniture. Add plush toys representing forest animals like bears or deer. Encourage infants to engage in imaginative storytelling, pretending to explore the snowy woods and encounter friendly animals. This creative play enhances their social interaction and creativity.
  2. Cozy Cabin Role-Play: Create a cozy cabin setup using pillows, blankets, and pretend snow indoors. Provide toy kitchen sets or stuffed animals for a homey atmosphere. Invite infants to role-play, pretending to cook warm meals, have tea parties, or engage in comforting activities inside their cozy cabin. This role-play encourages imaginative thinking and emotional development as they mimic real-life scenarios in a winter setting.

Physical Activities for Winter Fun

Engaging infants in physical activities during winter is essential for their development and well-being. Here are some enjoyable and beneficial activities designed to keep them active and stimulated:

Indoor Exercise Games

Create an indoor space for exciting exercise games suitable for infants. Incorporate games like “Follow the Leader,” where infants mimic simple movements, or “Rolling Ball Play,” encouraging them to roll softballs to enhance motor skills. These indoor games promote movement and coordination while keeping infants entertained during colder days.

Baby Yoga for Winter

Introduce gentle yoga sessions designed specifically for infants. Incorporate simple stretches, movements, and soothing poses suitable for their age. Yoga helps promote flexibility, balance, and relaxation, aiding their physical development and overall well-being during winter.

Outdoor Winter Strolls

Embrace the milder winter weather with supervised outdoor strolls. Take infants for short walks in safe and designated areas, allowing them to experience the crisp air and observe seasonal changes. These outdoor strolls provide sensory stimulation, encourage exploration, and offer a refreshing change of scenery.

Winter at CLE is an enchanting time with engaging activities promoting fun and learning. By incorporating these winter-themed activities into our curriculum, we aim to stimulate toddlers’ senses, develop motor skills, encourage creativity, and create a warm and nurturing environment where every child can thrive during the winter season!

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